Monday 6 February 2012


Our film opening has taken loads of time and effort to come up with an idea very individual and different from the others that had been done by students previous to us. Our idea is different because it talks of ghost and does show that we have inter textually taken ideas from other films but taken them and changed around in some ways in  our group. The images above clearly show the ways we want the characters to be seen an understood in our opening. We want Thomas Culpepper to be seen a someone from the Tudor times and it took long consideration to come up and use this idea,this is because we didnt know exactly how the audience would feel about it and whether it would actually make sense to them in the end. The other images above clearly show the type of place we are going to be filming in and the ideas and feel we want the audience to have, we want the feel of a park filled with children and then another shot of the park empty and the kids gone . I was worried in the beginning as i didn't know how we were going to film children do we do it discretely or do we tell them and another worry was what if we need to film that shot again and we don't have the children to help us retake the clip. 

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