Saturday 28 January 2012


Thriller films are often adrenaline rushing, to keep the audience on the edge of their seats and contain plots with suprising twists and that buld up the the very tense climax of the film. This is often done by how the central character is in a dangerous situation often involving mystery or murder, therefore thrillers are full of tension. They also have puzzling plots, where the characters may be fighting each other. Thriller is a extremely successful genre of film which is still being made today.

One of the most common things which happens in thrillers is a scene in which the protagonist is being chased. Kidnappings, murders and a character being stalked by someone are the part of the plots of many thrillers, particularly the sub-genre of crime and psychological. Thrillers often end in the villain being defeated, or the situation being solved, giving the audeince the happy ending  they want to see. 

On of the earliest thrillers was the 1931 film M, a german drama thriller and it is considered a classic. It was directed by Fritz Lang and is considered by many to be his finest work.  There is a remake of this film which was released in 1951.  

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