Monday 23 January 2012

Re-Editing a Film Opening- Arlington Road

Re-Editing Arlington Road

In lesson we got given the a scene from Arlington Road which was cut up and muddled up into the incorrect order. Our task, to put the scene into chronological order by using the editing software Final Cut

After putting the scene in order we then had to put titles on top of the clip, including the director, producer, the cast and so on. When adding the titles we had to consider the colour of the font used, the font style and typeface itself, the position of the font and the size of the font. 

Here is the ordered scene with some added titles

About the clip:
This clip is taken from Arlington Road. It has been re-edited to give it a different opening from the one in the actual film. The titles show the director first, the producers and some cast names. The title comes about half-way through the clip when the character looks up to a blurred sky and disappears when the view is back to the street, which I thought look effective.  

To improve on this opening sequence more additional titles will be added such as the editor, music by, cinematography and so one. The transitions of these titles i would also improve so instead of sharp cuts between them it would have faded in and out to fit the blurred style of the scene. I would have also played around with the title furthermore on the actual scene to find out the best positions for them. Though overall this is a good first attempt with adding titles and a exercise I gained much from.  

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