Tuesday 24 January 2012

Previous Student Work

An opening from previous students

The Rushes is a two minute thriller opening made by previous students. I like the style and the editing of the opening film its very mysterious and makes you want to watch it further to find out what was going to happen next. 

The Rushes-Previous Students Work 

Structure type used:
The structure used for this opening is discrete. It is filmed in the night which gives it a dark, eerie feel. There are many jump cuts for example from a long shot of the moon to a close up of the moon giving it a fast pace feel. The whole film gives the audience no script like a straight forward traditional opening would, but grabs you even more to figure it out, like the opening of Arlington Road.

Effectiveness of the titles used and the order they come in:
The way the titles are introduced is very imaginative and effective, they are made to look like is part of the mise en scene of the room as the camera glances over the typed papers. The titles come in a conventional order with the director first, producer second, cinematographer, writer, editor and the music last. The title of the film comes at the very end but is done it a way that doesn't make it look like a trailer. 

Here are some stills of the titles

Use of mise en scene:
The mise en scene of this film opening is very dark, confined and leaves much to the imagination. The first takes are filmed in a park at night where we see grass, the moon a camera and a car. The following takes sees a garage type setting with large green doors with silver locks. The props include the video camera, the parts to connect it to the TV and the TV itself. The lighting is always dark and ill lit that the audience sees very little of this. 

Here are some stills of the mise en scene

Camera Work:
The camera work shows a varied amount of angles and distances. There is a range of close ups to long shot, showing a good knowledge of different ways the camera can be used. 

Here are some stills of the different camera views

Editing and stylised effects:
There is much editing to the opening, there are many jump cuts and fast sped up motions to give a feeling of a confused trail of thoughts. These types of editing create a stylised effect to the scenes they had filmed and gives it a more edgy sense. 

Here are some stills on the jump cuts of the editing

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