Thursday 26 January 2012

Feedback from questionnaire of what people like

Feedback from questionnaire of what people like

Getting feedback from different poeple was important, as it aloud me to generate an idea of what poeple liked and what they thought about thrillers in general. The questionnair below gave me an idea of what people like about thrillers and what type of thrillers they enjoy. The age of the poeple i asked were mostly aged between 17-19 who mostly enjoy thrillers to have alot of action and tend to be very exciting to watch. Below i have indicated the questionnair i had asked people on what they liked about thrillers in general.

The above image is of a questionnaire i have created and gathered feedback from. Above is a sample questionnaire that has been completed by one person.

The feedback i gathered from all of the questionnaire was very useful, it aloud me to generate different ideas in what people like to see and stuff they haven't seen which they find more interesting. The overall feedback i had gathered from people was what i expected as most people expected to see blood in thrillers and suspense. This was predictable as most thrillers give this away form the posters and trailers. When collecting the data for my questionnaire I made sure that the same amount of both males and females were used both from a wide range of age groups. Looking at question 4 aloud me to see what people expect to see in thrillers and what they will like to see, most of the people asked said they expect to see the main character to be courageous , willing, nice, helpful etc. People also said that in most thrillers someone tends to die once solving a situation which always tends to cause distribution for viewers. Getting feedback from this question was helpful as it aloud me to reflect upon the views stated from various amounts of people from different age groups which made me take on board. Most people aged between 15-24 yrs found thriller to be the most interesting genre to watch, simply due to the amount of suspense and violence generated within the films they watch. People at this age group were in my interest the most as the views they though about thrillers were interesting as most expect to see some sort of revenge and violence.

When asked the question how many times people watch thriller moves which mostly said was hardly never, was interesting to see. Most people responded to this in saying that most thrillers that have been released are boring and don’t create the suspense that most thrillers do. Paranormal activity, psycho and the ring were the most frequent films people have gone to the cinema to watch. Looking at the feedback from this question it gave me the idea that more people will like to see more interesting openings to thrillers which enables the audience to feel engaged in what is going on allowing them feel apart and involved in what is happening in the scene. I think that good thriller openings need to have the key conventions of mise en scene to engage the audience and make sure they do not get board, this will also allow the tension of what is going to happen build up quickly.

Sound is crucial in an opening of a thriller, as it sets the mood and creates tension towards the viewers. The question weather there should be dialogue or not in the opening of a thriller most said there shouldn’t, as the opening of a thriller shouldn’t give as much detail about the film as most show to introduce the setting and the characters who are in the film. I think there shouldn’t be any dialogue in the opening scene of a thriller. This is because thrillers tend to only introduce you to the setting and the characters in the scene. However most people may disagree with me and say there should be some dialogue as without it, people will get board and wouldn’t feel as involved, as the characters are not introducing themselves. Sound is an important convention in the opening of thrillers as it sets the mood throughout, this is what makes people feel involved.

Overall, gathering a questionnaire aloud me to generate both positive and negative points about thriller openings. The information I gathered aloud me to think of what people find interesting and there views on what they think of thrillers in general both positive and negatively. This information will help my views when considering the opening sequence for my thriller.

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