Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Things We Remembered while filming

Things we remembered when filming to help our editing

When filming our piece there were some crucial things we had to remember that would overall help us with our editing process.
We as a group remembered:
·       To keep in line with the 180 degree rule. The 180 degree rule is that whatever side you are filming a character on the camera should only film what comes into it 180 degree radius. As learnt if this is succeeded the filming we become distorted and would not look understandable to view.
·       To remember that continuity always matters.  A mistake of this for example is when a character has a small water stain on their shirt in one shot and then has a bigger water stain in the next. If this is broken then the film will be unable to flow and would look wrong when viewed back.
·       To be involved in your character. This meaning having expression in our voice, face and body language to portray the character we have. This will help us when editing as it will make it therefore easier to put the right shots in the film to make it look realistic and to prevent any re-filming.

These thing we remember to make our editing process easier, it made the filming better and what we followed saved time when were editing as we did not have to re-film many of our scenes. 

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