Monday 12 December 2011

Story broad Outline (collateral)

Collateral was the film that our group chose to do our task on. The task was based on us re creating the story board where we then were told to re- act the scene with our group members. This task involved us using the skills that we were told about the cameras. Whilst watching the opening clip from Collateral we then had to link this to a story board where our group was able to look back upon and base the filming on this.

There was 2 main characters in this episode where the camera was focused on most of the time.
Above is shown the story board i created showing various amounts of shots that were used in the clip. firstly we see a long shot has been used where the rest of the characters in this scene are blurred out as they are not the main focus. Using this shot in the opening of the clip it makes the audience see how significant the character is and makes us want to know where the main character is heading to. Using a long shot makes the audience have a wide shot of where the scene has been set and creates a clear image of what could happen next

We then go onto the second shot where we see the character coming towards the camera again seeing most of the characters behind him being shadowed as he is shown to be the main focus in this part of the scene. Characters being blurred clearly indicates there insignificance and making the audience wonder why it has been used. This shot has been used continuously to show the characters journey to his destination, whilst walking through people showing that he is there main focus at this point. The shots then seem to over lap where we see the second character walking as well this makes the audience have the feeling that the characters at some stage will meet which is shown to happen latter on.

Through the third scene we see a medium close up of the character. A medium close up is used to generate a more and clear detailed image of the main character, using this shot also shows viewers some detail about him in which this case we see the character is wearing a suit looking sophisticated giving the audience the implication that he is a wealthy man. This shot also makes the viewers generate stereotypes of characters e.g. weather they are wealthy or poor.

A over the shoulder shot is then used to show the interaction between both characters. An OTS is usually used to focus on the character who is speaking show the viewers from different views. At this part where we see the characters having a discussion we see that they both show to have several things in common e.g. the way that they dress (suits) gives the connotations of rich wealthy people.

The last shot we see a extreme close up of the characters face continuing to walk after the convocation he has had again with the characters in front being blurred as he is the main focus allowing the audience to reflect upon.

This task overall was useful as i was able to focus on the shots and put it on the storyboard allowing me to then put it in our own group work and then discuss the effects on what it had on the audience. Doing this task also made me realise the different shots and what shots are used to create a more effective beginning

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